Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Week 2

I would mix these two pictures together

These two are my favorite pictures.

Assignment: To get 25 Lincoln Era pictures and 25 pictures that I shot, ten being old pictures.

Craft: How did you do this? I went online and went on sites like Google images, aol, and Yahoo and found Lincoln era photos. Then I saved them on a USB. Then I went through my camera and found ten usable pictures that I snapped a while ago. Throughout the week I took 15 new pictures. I also saved these 25 pictures on the USB. In class I printed the Lincoln photos on one sheet and my photos all on one sheet.

Composition: Why did you choose these photos? I chose the picture of Abraham Lincoln at war because it is one of a few pictures where he is actually wearing his hat. I chose the picture of the mountains because these are the mountains in my hometown in my country Palestine. My dad’s side of the family all live there. It’s beautiful in the summer.

Concept: Which of these photos would you mix together? I would mix this picture of the students back in the 1800’s and this picture I took of my friends. I would mix these the show the difference in how proper ands serious the children were back then compared the people nowadays who show more emotions and happiness in pictures

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Week 1

Assignment: To set up my blog

Craft: I took a photo of myself and saved it to my desktop. Then I uploaded it to my blog.

Composition: I chose this photo because it was taken on the day of my holiday of me and my cousins.

Concept:the things that make me good are the characteristics that make me who I am. I am a trustworthy person and very reliable. My personality shines through when I am with my friends. I may come off as shy at first, but once I become comfortable with a person I become the total opposite. I am one out of a few people that I know that can comfort a person within seconds.